Friday, August 20, 2010

How do you say no nicely when your ex wants to get back together ?

i went out with him 2 years ago and now he wants to get back together but i dont like i didnt even like him when we went i just kinda didnt wanna be mean and say but it was a big mistake cuz we were like the bestest of friennds and then we werent becuz i broke up w/ him . i dont wanna go back out but idk how to say it nicelyy helpppHow do you say no nicely when your ex wants to get back together ?
Just tell him that you don't have feelings for him that way and you don't want to hurt his feelings and your friendship by patronising him and going into a one way relationship.

It would not be far to either of you. Also point out that he deserves a girl you cares for him like he cares for her.

Hope this helps.How do you say no nicely when your ex wants to get back together ?
Tell him you like what the two of you have as friends and you don't want to ruin it. Let him know that you felt things weren't good before but they're better now. It's a thing of respect and you should say that. If you didn't respect and care about him, you would go back with him without a thought. Let him know that. He might understand. Good luck. ';-)
just tell him no guy like myself have to hear it BLUNTLY so be nice and say its not going to work out and say goodbye.

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